Tagged: Performance

Preference doesn’t always benefit performance

Preference doesn’t always benefit performance

Oh No! Preference for Latex doesn't translate into writing performance, particularly for those who prefer debugging code to communicating. https://t.co/NnaEhM2AbE — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 5, 2017

Learning is best in 45 minute segments

Learning is best in 45 minute segments

Studying is more effective when it’s done in 45-minute segments instead of longer ones  Before You Study, Ask for Help That’s one of several ways students can better prepare themselves for tests in the...

Aided writing

Aided writing

Writing with the machine. Deep learning writing help: “(When I say “help,” I mean: less Clippy, more séance.)” Writing with the machine “…it’s like writing with a deranged but very well-read parrot on your shoulder.” robinsloan.com

Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn

Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects https://goo.gl/hxjSRA  #Learn  

Avoiding distraction and procrastination

Avoiding distraction and procrastination

https://hbr.org/2017/10/5-research-based-strategies-for-overcoming-procrastination?utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social Reverse the triggers of procrastination so you can get to work

Car as a service or as a product

Car as a service or as a product

A new ownership model for Volvo’s Polstar: all inclusive subscription, ordered online, with other models for loan