When an individual’s goals diverge from that of the groups
Why You Shouldn’t Walk on Escalators – The New York TimesBut we will almost certainly compete rather than cooperate https://t.co/i261VP0zKn — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 4, 2017
Why You Shouldn’t Walk on Escalators – The New York TimesBut we will almost certainly compete rather than cooperate https://t.co/i261VP0zKn — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 4, 2017
Oh No! Preference for Latex doesn't translate into writing performance, particularly for those who prefer debugging code to communicating. https://t.co/NnaEhM2AbE — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 5, 2017
Training Your Brain So That You Don’t Need Reading Glasses https://t.co/2Q96su44Ci via @UpshotNYT More work than using reading glasses? — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 6, 2017
"Users aren’t machines, and they don’t always act in the most efficient manner possible, even when it would be beneficial to everyone." https://t.co/uhdE8OwXU6 — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 7, 2017
"…self-driving car designers must consider how their choices impact other drivers as well as their own vehicles' passengers." https://t.co/YxmfJkUQzI — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 9, 2017
Must read for anyone who hires through unstructured interviews. They are worse than useless, a fact that no one thinks applies to himself. https://t.co/WvAslcIdXN — Richard H Thaler (@R_Thaler) April 10, 2017
How Delta masters the game of overbooking flights | PBS NewsHour: Delta's design to bump passengers fast and cheap https://t.co/d9D9P6LW1V — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 12, 2017
"If your connected home is hacked you'll have poltergeists, but if your AR glasses are hacked you'll hallucinate." https://t.co/7xMANutPmI — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 12, 2017
Robot-Proof Jobs: What jobs are most likely to be automated? https://t.co/TNpdnT2oms — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 14, 2017