Category: Design

Films about Designing for People

Films about Designing for People

This collection of movies provide an entertaining, and a potentially useful, complement to the textbook “Designing for People: An introduction to human factors engineering“. The films show examples of human factors design concepts in...

An interactive map of Human Factors engineering concepts

An interactive map of Human Factors engineering concepts

The book “Designing for People: An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering” contains many Human Factors engineering concepts from the broad areas of: Design and evaluation techniques Cognitive characteristics of people Physical characteristics of people...

Design thinking: strategic design

Design thinking: strategic design

"Nokia and Blackberry were skating to where the puck was going to be…while Apple and Google were…switching the game to water-skiing" — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 1, 2017

Cost of misaligned objectives

Cost of misaligned objectives

Red-light camera grace period goes from 0.1 to 0.3 seconds, Chicago to lose $17M | Ars Technica. Milliseconds matter — John Lee (@Jdlee888) March 24, 2017 Red light cameras can save lives, but...

Preference doesn’t always benefit performance

Preference doesn’t always benefit performance

Oh No! Preference for Latex doesn't translate into writing performance, particularly for those who prefer debugging code to communicating. — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 5, 2017

Details matter in design

Details matter in design

Leuchtturm notebook design is "thorough down to the last detail" — John Lee (@Jdlee888) June 1, 2017 Most objects that work well because designers attended to details so that those elements of the...