Category: Evaluation

Films about Designing for People

Films about Designing for People

This collection of movies provide an entertaining, and a potentially useful, complement to the textbook “Designing for People: An introduction to human factors engineering“. The films show examples of human factors design concepts in...

Treating text as data: Analysis of iPhone announcements

Treating text as data: Analysis of iPhone announcements

Statistical analysis typically focusses on numeric, quantitative data. Quantitative analysis of text is less common, but possible. This analysis shows a simple text analysis applied to the transript of the iPhone announcements in 2007...

Correct design only obvious after testing with people

Correct design only obvious after testing with people

The user testing that produced the telephone keyboard that, in hindsight, seems like the only reasonable solution — John Lee (@Jdlee888) April 1, 2017 Telephone keypad layouts seem intuitive now but weren't inevitable....

Interpreting statistical analysis

Interpreting statistical analysis

Reasons to go beyond the p value: prior evidence, plausibility of mechanism, data quality, costs and benefits